6 days agoI think you’re missing the point a bit.
Both BuyCanadian and BuyEuropean are about supporting their respective economies as they are boycotting America’s.
For Canada, we’re looking at a recession (brought on by our “ally”) so people are trying to help fellow Canadians out as things get rough and people lose jobs.
While I support FOSS and recommend them in threads etc I fully understand why they don’t meet all the goals of those movements. (That being said, I think one of the most rocking counter punches would be EU investment in stabilizing Linux enough to make it a feasible alternative to Windows/Apple for casual and corporate users, solid shot to 2 of the magnificent 7.)
Stabilizing might not be quite the right word I’m looking for. But for example, trying to connect a new wifi card etc. Or when one program updates but this causes instability and you have to undo the update. Even from the handful of linux wizards I know, their battle stories with updates or new configurations are enough to terrify someone.