Today’s game is Red Dead Redemption 2. After years of not finishing the story after making it too Chapter 6 on my Xbox, i decided now’s the time. Especially since i just finished Halo MCC on Legendary. Ideally, i’d love to get all the achievements because i love the fuck out of this game despite never getting to beat it (and getting all the achievements is my favorite way to pay respect to games), but right now i’m just aiming for the story.

Just tonight i did the mission where you burn down the Gray’s Tobacco farm with Moonshine. I did this one last time too, but the shoddy cloud backup system didn’t update it with it. So i had to do it again. I’m pretty sure i’m close to the end of the chapter though.

This game has some of my favorite landscapes to look at. I legit have a problem where i’ll take like 30 photos any time i open the game. That’s how good it is. My new desktop makes this worse too because i’ll have a pretty view 24/7.

I took this one before starting the mission. I was originally just distracted because it’s a big basin of water, but then the reflection caught my attention and i took it for a screenshot. I really like how it turned out though. It’s one of my favorites out of this batch.

I also got this one at the end of the mission with the farm burning down. I think it looked sick. Not perfect by any means, but really cool none the less.

    6 hours ago

    Amazing game, one I can just pick up and play, choose a direction and just take my time with Arthur on his horse and whatever he comes across