360 was originally how i played growing up until my Launch Model 360 Red Ringed. Me and my Sister would stay up for hours building the stupidest shit. Before we knew it, time had gone by and it was 3 in the morning
It’s very easy to lose track of time with it. While we were playing splitscreen it felt like it had only been a few hours, but turned out to have been 6
I keep hearing that Reach wasn’t very popular on launch and I just don’t get how. It’s a perfect Halo game. To be honest. If Halo had to end. I think Reach would have been the perfect way to do it.
For sure lol. I’m definitely the calmest out of my friend group and I think even I would get a little ticked off at the game if we had to restart a whole level. So definitely making sure the friends I recruit to help know what they’re getting into
I’m looking forward to doing LASO with my friends, i’ve already got two of them recruited to help. The customization of your character sticking to your Noble Six definitely makes it more fun too. So instead of 4 master chiefs or Master Chief, Arbiter, and two Elites, it feels more like it’s actually you and your friends.
Really basic, but Mario Kart DS specifically. The gameplay does not do it for me, but the way it sounds coming out of the DS’s Speakers sounds amazing. Though, Mario Kart 64 & Wii are probably really close for me out of sheer nostalgia.