Musa of Mali is black and he’s in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Just a bridgeman doing his thing.
Musa of Mali is black and he’s in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Yeah, that argument falls apart when henry just randomly moves the pick even though you didn’t move the controller. That’s the portion that I get pissed off at. Fine that he has shit skills, fine that the game has to make it artificially harder for RP. But don’t make me fail at something just because the game doesn’t want me to complete it yet. Just make it not pickable. When something says “easy” it should be actually easy if you know the patterns or method of doing said thing. Like how combat is easier once you realize you can’t spam swing your sword. There is no such thing for lockpicking. It’s just “fuck you gamer, grind it out like a chump” or break tons of picks trying to get the one fiddly rng location to unlock the lock.
Edit: Also he picks locks in the first game doesn’t he? So he just forgets how locks work because of his fall? Bad design imo but a great game other than that one system.
The one frustrating system i can’t deal with.
Seriously though, lockpicking irl isn’t as difficult as the game makes it seem even if you were picking modern locks. On medieval locks it should be a joke to pick them yet Henry can’t hold the pick still for half a second so it’s “nope, fuck you gamer”.
Ah well no game is perfect.
I never played the first one but i’m a fan of challenging games. From what i’ve read after getting my ass beaten by single random bandits, the combat is better and more fluid than the first game. Fewer locked in animations is what i gather is the biggest change.
The one thing you really have to get in your brain is do not spam attacks. You will die. Your stamina is like armor in that the lower your stamina the more it hurts to be hit.
Like i said, once it clicks it’s great but boy oh boy was it frustrating to learn.
It’s really good. Incredibly frustrating and challenging combat but good once it clicks. The rest of the RPG elements are amazing. Except lockpicking. Fuck that nonsense.
I’m actually not certain if it’s Mansa Musa or another Musa of Mali. In the game this Musa is an itinerant physician in Sigismund’s employ. I’m not sure if Musa did that irl. Musa is just the islamic form of Moses so it’s a fairly common name.