You really believe a single Google search is work? Have you ever had to do real work?
I have no problem providing a source for esoteric, difficult to find information, but when someone so is so ridiculously entitled they’re literally too lazy to type into Google the precise same thing they’re typing into a comment field they can whine until they’re blue in the face before I’ll do it for them. Users like you can also whine about it as much as pleases you and if you don’t like it you should complain to the manager.
Here at Lemmy we’re trying, blah, blah blah.
You joined 4 months ago and think you now speak for all of Lemmy? What an ego you have!
I’m sad for you that you waste your time and energy hating Americans. Do you think you’re being edgy? Maybe you need a hobby,.
I used to work for a Fortune 500 tech company that dealt with thousands of other businesses. Someone on the executive team decided that everyone in the company should be actively pushing our products every time they had customer contact. Customer calls about a bill? Sell them something. They have a major problem and are angry about it? Sell them something. Need to use their bathroom? Sell them something.
It just irritated our customers and didn’t result in any more sales. It seems that executive got a job at Microsoft.