its sickening how they pretend to care about animals and nature by being vegan yet its just egotripping and blatant animal abuse. If they actually care about animals they should be the first ones denouncing vegan cat food.
its sickening how they pretend to care about animals and nature by being vegan yet its just egotripping and blatant animal abuse. If they actually care about animals they should be the first ones denouncing vegan cat food.
at least here its more easy to just let them stew with eachother or for more sensible part of that community to just break off. in reddit its the site owner who ultimately decided how the site goes, here its the community itself. Though if majority of some community decides to just stick with some awful group, its quite bad for the minority that doesnt like the awfullness. But at least that is problem of our own making instead of what something some rich asshole decided and thus we can solve it ourselves too if we really want to. There is no way to unshittify reddit ever.
you were right, a bit austere but essentially the same
yes, that is the core of the problem. But its also too abstract to target at the moment. Those who understand dont need pointing out that it needs to go and those who dont might be able to at least see the “boils” if they cant see the disease.
tech is not the problem, corporations are.
i dread to think about the amount of double speak this would cause to get around the ai so you can say what you want
but how to get people to understand that it even is a problem? So many seem to be content to constantly go against even their own interests. Its like most have been brainwashed so they attack you if you dare even suggest there is something wrong with all this. Or if they dont they will just be apathetic and throw canned “it is what it is” at you.