I wonder what Nintendo’s annual legal budget is, and how much they could expand their market and reduce piracy if they spent half of that on supporting more platforms.
I wonder what Nintendo’s annual legal budget is, and how much they could expand their market and reduce piracy if they spent half of that on supporting more platforms.
And when Cloudflare is the proxy for a web site, it’s Cloudflare that provides the HTTPS connection, meaning that you don’t actually have an encrypted channel directly to the site. Cloudflare is the man-in-the-middle eavesdropping on all of your communications with that site. Your bank transactions, your medical records, your personal messages, etc.
I’m tired of people saying “technology” when they mean an application of a narrow subfield of technology. Even worse is when they’re not even talking about the tech at all, but instead the practices, leadership, or stock market performance of some corporation that happens to apply some technology in the course of its business.
I do share the sentiment in this article, though. There’s way too much stuff that we don’t need, often making our lives worse, being pushed at us in order to extract wealth or power.
To be fair, though, OP’s username does say that he is a twelve-year-old. :)
Water treatment, thermal insulation, textile fabrication, pharmaceuticals, air filtration, construction techniques, signal processing… the list goes on.