Still not a lie still text that is statistically likely to fellow prior text produced by a model with no thought process that knows nothing
Still not a lie still text that is statistically likely to fellow prior text produced by a model with no thought process that knows nothing
The latter is the actual definition. Some people not knowing what words mean isnt an argument
It can be prevented by people paid 400-1000 per hour spending time either writing own paperwork or paying others to actually write it.
People are locked up all the time for just possessing child porn without having abused anyone. This isn’t a bad thing because they are a danger to society.
Basically every pedo in prison is one who isn’t abusing kids. Every pedo on a list is one who won’t be left alone with a young family member. Actually reducing AI CP doesn’t actually by itself do anything.
Am I reading this right? You’re for prosecuting people who have broken no laws?
No I’m for making it against the law to simulate pedophile shit as the net effect is fewer abused kids than if such images were to be legal. Notably you are free to fantasize about whatever you like its the actual creation and sharing of images that would be illegal. Far from being a minority report hellscape its literally the present way things already are many places.
Let’s play devils advocate. You find Bob the pedophile with pictures depicting horrible things. 2 things are true.
Although you can’t necessarily help Bob you can lock him up preventing him from doing harm and permanently brand him as a dangerous person making it less likely for actual children to be harmed.
Bob can’t claim actual depictions of abuse are AI generated and force you to find the unknown victim before you can lock him and his confederates up. If the law doesn’t distinguish between simulated and actual abuse then in both cases Bob just goes to jail.
A third factor is that this technology and the inherent lack of privacy on the internet could potentially pinpoint numerous unknown pedophiles who can even if they haven’t done any harm yet be profitably persecuted to societies ultimate profit so long as you value innocent kids more than perverts.
You can’t ask it about itself because it has no internal model of self and is just basing any answer on data in its training set