I’m not. Apologies if I was unclear, but I was specifically referencing the fact that you were saying AI was going to accelerate to the point that it replaces human labor, and I was simply stating that I would prefer a world in which human labor is not required for humans to survive, and we can simply pursue other passions, if such a world where to exist, as a result of what you claim is happening with AI. You claimed AI will get so good it replaces all the jobs.
I’m sorry, but you seem to have misinterpreted what I was saying. I never claimed that AI would get so good it replaces all jobs. I stated that the potential consequences were extremely concerning, without necessarily specifying what those consequences would be. One consequence is the automation of various forms of labor, but there are many other social and psychological consequences that are arguably more worrying.
Cool, I would enjoy that, because I don’t believe that jobs are what gives human lives meaning, and thus am fine if people are free to do other things with their lives.
Your conception of labor is limited. You’re only taking into account jobs as they exist within a capitalist framework. What if AI was statistically proven to be better at raising children than human parents? What if AI was a better romantic partner than a human one? Can you see how this could be catastrophic for the fabric of human society and happiness? I agree that jobs don’t give human lives meaning, but I would contend that a crucial part of human happiness is feeling that one is a valued, contributing member of a community or family unit.
The automation of labor is not even remotely comparable to the creation of a technology who’s explicit, sole purpose is to cause the largest amount of destruction possible.
If you actually understood my point, you wouldn’t be saying this. The intended purpose of the creation of a technology often turns out to be completely different from the actual consequences. We intended to create fire to keep warm and cook food, but it eventually came to be used to create weapons and explosives. We intended to use the printing press to spread knowledge and understanding, but it ultimately came to spread hatred and fear. This dichotomy is applicable to almost every technological development. Human creators are never wise enough to foresee the negative externalities that will ultimately result from their creations.
Again, you’re the one who has been positing some type of AI singularity and simultaneously arguing it would be a good thing. I never said anything of the sort, you simply attached a meaning to my comment that wasn’t there.
And again, nuclear weapons have been used twice in wartime. Guns, swords, spears, automobiles, man made famines, aeroplanes, literally hundreds of other technologies have killed more human beings than nuclear weapons have. Nuclear fission has also provided one of the cleanest sources of energy we possess, and probably saved untold amounts of environmental damage and additional warfare over control of fossil fuels.
Just because nuclear weapons make a big boom doesn’t make them more destructive than other technologies.
I’m glad that you didn’t use AI. I was wrong to assume you were feigning disagreement, but sometimes it just baffles me how things that I consider so obvious can be so difficult to grasp for other people. My apologies for my tone, but I still think you’re very naive in your dismissal of my arguments, and quite frankly you come off as somewhat arrogant and close minded by the way you attempt to systematically refute everything that I say, instead of engaging with my ideas in a more constructive way.
As far as I can tell, all three of your initial retorts about the relative danger of nuclear weapons are basically incoherent word salads. Even if I were to concede your arguments regarding the relative dangers of AI (which I am absolutely not going to do, although you did make some good points), you would still be wrong about your initial statement because you clearly overestimated the relative danger of nuclear weapons. I essentially dismantled your position from both sides, and yet you refuse to concede even a single inch of ground, even on the more obvious issue of nuclear weapons only being responsible for a relatively paltry number of deaths.
Citation needed. How did you calculate that statistical probability, my friend?
According to whom? How are you defining harm and benefit? You’re attempting to quantify the unquantifiable.
So you are open to the possibility that nukes are less dangerous than spears, but more dangerous than AI? Huh.
Ah of course, because human beings famously never use or do anything that makes them less happy. Human societies have famously never implemented anything that makes people less happy. Do we live on the same planet?
I’m utilizing my intelligence and my knowledge about human nature and human history to make an educated guess about future possible outcomes.
Again, based on your prose, I would expect you to intuitively understand the reasons why I might believe these things, because I believe they should be fairly obvious to most people who are well educated and intelligent. Hence why I suspected you of using AI, because you repeatedly post walls of text that are based on incredibly faulty and idiotic premises. Like really dude, I have to explain to you that human beings have historically used technologies in self destructive ways? It reminds me of the way that AI will write essays that sound very knowledgeable and cogent to the untrained mind, but an expert on the topic can easily recognize that they make no sense whatsoever.
Cheers mate, have a good one.