Definitely oot, but if I could pick two, it’d be this super weird game I’ve never been able to find again, or remember the name of. Had a kind of Hawaiian theme, iirc. There was a conch shell you blew. It was weird, and I loved it so much
Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!
Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
Definitely oot, but if I could pick two, it’d be this super weird game I’ve never been able to find again, or remember the name of. Had a kind of Hawaiian theme, iirc. There was a conch shell you blew. It was weird, and I loved it so much
Computer, arch.
Computer! Arch!
Computer! Exit this hell hole! Arch!
… Why am I never in a holodeck when I wish I was in a holodeck