I absolutely detest it when politicians are just this fuckin’ clueless. I rather hope the lot of them have their bank accounts tampered with.
I absolutely detest it when politicians are just this fuckin’ clueless. I rather hope the lot of them have their bank accounts tampered with.
I’m really getting sick and tired of these rich fuckers saying shit like this.
we are no where close to AGI given this current technology.
working 50% longer is not going to make a bit of difference for AGI
and even if it would matter, hire 50% more people
The only thing this is going to accomplish is likely make him wealthier. So fuck him.
Why would anybody even slightly technical ever say this? Has he ever used what passes for AI? I mean it’s a useful tool with some giant caveats, and as long as someone is fact checking and holding its hand. I use it daily for certain things. But it gets stuff wrong all the time. And not just a little wrong. I mean like bat shit crazy wrong.
Any company that is trying to use this technology to replace actually intelligent people is going to have a really bad time eventually.
They are very impressive to where we were 20 years ago, hell even 5 years ago. The first time I played with ChatGPT I was absolutely floored. But after playing with a lot of them, even training a few RAGs (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), we aren’t really that close and in my opinion this is not a useful path towards a true AGI. Don’t get me wrong, this tool is extremely useful and to most people, they’d likely pass a basic Turing Test. But LLMs are sophisticated pattern recognition systems trained on vast amounts of text data that predict the most likely next word or token in a sequence. That’s really all they do. They are really good at predicting the next word. While they demonstrate impressive language capabilities, they lack several fundamental components necessary for an AGI: -no true understanding -they can’t really engage in the real world. -they have no real ability to learn real-time. -they don’t really have the ability to take in more then one type of info at a time.
I mean the simplest way in my opinion to explain the difference is you will never have an LLM just come up with something on its own. It’s always just a response to a prompt.