Do you really think this is helping?
Do you really think this is helping?
Please stop creating click bait posts asking us to go to other sites without context.
I skimmed through about a minute or so of two of your videos.
The text bubble thing you do is alright, but I’d add to it and clean it up. Stop recording typos. Edit them out of the video. The time it takes for me to read what you’re typing, and then delete your mistakes and try again makes me lose interest real fast, and it looks sloppy.
If you are physically able to speak, you should. There is no human connection. I was just watching a programming screen while music played in the background. That may be useful if I’m looking for a video to walk me through something I’m trying to do, but I wouldn’t subscribe or even remember your name if there’s no connection to you as a person. Talk through what you are doing as you do it. If you are unable to speak, maybe you can find a text to voice to speak for you.
Best of luck to you and your channel!
Cheating in Fortnite gets you banned.
Cheating in Diablo gets you a White House consultant position.
I’m getting mixed signals here.
I used to play this game a lot. It has it’s flaws, but we had fun with it and every few months someone will remind me about it, and I’ll dive in for a while, but I think it might be time to finally uninstall for good.