Yes, on these distros that i remember: arch, fedora and mint
Yes, on these distros that i remember: arch, fedora and mint
Wifi works great on every distro I tried
Lit lit lit
I tried Cinnamon, KDE, XFCE and gnome. The only one that I can’t recall having any issues with is Gnome.
In my experience, a stable beginner friendly distro such as mint, is 10x closer to “just working” but…
I do think that the windos DE tends to be more reliable than any linux DE I have tested. The only DE that compares is gnome, which I find very very stable (but I hate it)
I think that non-technical people are just used to a simple playbook of:
And for linux step 3 usually doesn’t work because your local techy is probably someone who just knows how to google and paste into cmd.
I’m half expecting the win to be them sending like a teenager to jail for copying a ROM of a game that isn’t sold anymore.