prevent communities from becoming echo chambers
I suspect this will still become a problem since we can subscribe to whichever communities we like and vice versa.
Trolls, bots, and scammers make them necessary at a minimum, and then the subliminal messaging from the cronies of politicians, etc. make them welcome. Bots are easier to make than ever before so you can’t compare the past with the present that easily. died last year because of relentless spam bots posting garbage/malware links 100x/sec.
Yes, it was the cheap camera tricks obscuring parts of the map that you could go to that did it for me. It was, like, basically making you check for every possible secret despite the limited abilities of no camera control nor destructible terrain… I get that there was an era of games with this mindset (sorta like some Metroid-&-other games, I suppose), but I just don’t have time for that any more.
This may sound odd to some, but my stance towards quality games is: punish fairly. Life is hard enough as it is so I don’t need a game also going, “Haha, well, screw you here, too.” Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
I didn’t downvote you! I only downvote trolls. Anyway, that’s fair, since the lack of prep forces players to be quick on the trigger, so to speak. I guess I seek a bit more “realism” in a sense, since actual restaurants always prep. I wonder if 3 might strike a decent medium…
I actually disliked Tunic, just saying. I got more enjoyment out of Cosmic Express and Delver (and I didn’t even like the final fight in Delver). Whatever floats your boat…
Really? 1 doesn’t let you do advance meal prep, whereas CSD2 does (I haven’t tried CSD3 yet). Anyway, both 2 and 2 are in this bundle.
This was a really informative and gripping watch as I sought to look up more about this well-made title: Underdogs VR Mech Fights are Insane