Reddit going full mask-off 1984 huh? Next thing it’ll be illegal to downvote things Reddit likes to push… Or why even bother with the votes anyway, Reddit will just show you only the things that it deems good for you, like the benevolent Big Brother.
Fuck that place.
Also: welcome to all our new members! “We’re Not Perfect, But At Least We’re Not Reddit!” ™
Good grief, modern education has really failed that person if they don’t recognise the name Leon Trotsky. He’s basically responsible for at least three chapters in any history textbook worth reading. Your post was CLEARLY a joke to anyone with half a brain.
But hey, I’m not surprised at what happened. Because the quality of moderation really took a nosedive since the API fiasco. Lots of not-shitty mods jumped ship or got banned, leaving only folks like that in charge: petty, dumb little dictators.
Well, we’re glad to have you here :D