Google’s story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth. The once-beloved startup—with its unofficial “Don’t Be Evil” motto—has instead become a major Internet monopolist, as a federal judge ruled on Monday, dominating the market for online search. Google is also well-known for its data-harvesting practices, for constantly killing off products, and for facilitating the rise of brain-cell-destroying YouTubers who make me Fear for Today’s Youth. (Maybe that last one is just me?)
Google’s rapid rise from “scrappy search engine with doodles” to “dystopic mega-corporation” has been remarkable in many ways, especially when you consider just how much goodwill the company squandered so quickly. Along the way, though, Google has achieved one unexpected result: In a divided America, it offers just about everyone something to hate.
Here are just a few of the players hating Google today.
its a human flaw… insatiable greed.
we distilled this greed and removed all actual responsibility creating an entity, ‘the stock market’. this well of irresponsible greed has reached a singularity… a point of no return. we are all too dependent on this terrible thing and so it cant be removed.
the majority of us just get to suffer while being told ‘theres no other way’
we cant have nice things because humans are just so fucking greedy and incapable of controlling that greed.