And the world supports many free and open source OSes, many of which have no present ties to or support by the people or organizations who started the things they were forked from.
I see no reason why the next big browser thing couldn’t be a Firefox fork.
But the pessimist in me thinks nobody will do it again without craaaaazy investment behind them. Microsoft tried with edge and surrendered to chromium.
I seriously doubt that Apple and Google would succeed today.
And the world supports many free and open source OSes, many of which have no present ties to or support by the people or organizations who started the things they were forked from.
I see no reason why the next big browser thing couldn’t be a Firefox fork.
Let’s hope so!
But the pessimist in me thinks nobody will do it again without craaaaazy investment behind them. Microsoft tried with edge and surrendered to chromium.
I seriously doubt that Apple and Google would succeed today.