I’ve been around for a while and this is the first time I’m seeing something like this. I’m wondering if I picked up something nasty or if this is something that other people are seeing.
This is not new. Other distro have this too. In Gnome you will have a tick box in the Shutdown/reboot dialogue and you can opt-out of this offline update. If you update yourself with package manager, you will not need to go through the offline update.
Personally, I like it. It’s predictable, reboots once, updates, shuts off. Unlike Windows which will update, reboot, Update some more, get stuck for 30 minutes, reboot another time, finishing the updates and finally shuts down. And if you have encrypted (bitlocker or such) you have to attend the whole process and miss your fucking train and stay in the office 30 minutes more because of this BS. Sorry, I got carried away a little bit.
Fedora does this too, it’s really obnoxious.
You don’t need to do offline updates. Dnf update still works like it always has. However offline updates are more reliable.
I ended up switching to Fedora Silverblue since I really like the idea of ostree and simple change control.
Yeah fedora does it even for small updates, not just kernel updates. But only if you update through the store.
In KDE at least there’s a toggle to switch that behaviour. It’s in System settings -> Software update -> Apply system updates. If you switch it to “Immediately” you get the standard package manager behaviour. Not sure if gnome has an equivalent.
Also RHEL-based distros (tested on AlmaLinux). I think it’s alright.
Meanwhile Arch is like: You got problems after updating the kernel, systemd and sway? Well either you need to reboot, or you’re fucked till the next patch lol
Or, maybe a reinstall would help.
Nah, actually never had to reinstall. Not even after switching devices (Laptop -> Laptop), by just copying over /dev/sda3 to /dev/main/root, only “reinstalling” grub (grub-install) and recreating swap (on /dev/main/swap).
It’s just unnecessary, Debian based doesn’t do this at all so updates are like 10x faster.
This is common across a lot of Linux. I believe it first started with Fedora and now is pretty much everywhere except for a handful of distros. It is much better to do updates offline since there is a lower chance things will go wrong. You don’t need to do it this way but when you use gnome software this is what it does. I was unaware that Ubuntu supported this but apparently they do.
Ideally ostree based distros will take over since they can transparently swap the root FS on reboot but they are still fairly rare. I like Fedora Silverblue since I can easily roll back a bad update.
No. Updating in the background without user consent is unacceptable bullshit. It belongs in Android and Windows, where you can punish the competent because you have to accommodate the incompetent. But not in Linux.
This kind of shit and Snaps is why I won’t install Ubuntu even on my parent’s computers.
You get notified and can opt-out of the update in the Shutdown dialog, at least with Gnome.
That’s good. It’s still annoying, but as more people used to this sort of behavior come onboard Linux, behaviors like this are going to inevitably creep in. And, options are good; I object only to opt-out.
It doesn’t affect me, anyway, but I’m still going to have a cow the day my dad calls and tells me he said “yes” to an upgrade dialog and now his computer won’t work, and I have to waste my time dealing with this bullshit at an inconvenient time.
Automatic updates are optional
I’m not sure why you think this is being forced. It is just a toggle that you control.
Sounds like this user was surprised by it. Stuff like this shouldn’t be “opt out” any more than marketing, behavior tracking, or information sharing.
Except every action to do this requires user prompting. They clicked update and then were prompted to reboot. None of this is forced what so ever.
This isn’t Windows believe or not
Unattended upgrades or firmware update scheduled.
Here is a 2021 article with a screenshot pretty similar to what OP has there.
I fucking hate forced or automatic updates. have a nightly apt-get update running via cron, and I run the upgrade manually when it suits me.
Relax, this isn’t automatic unless you turn it on and it is never forced.
Agreed usually the first thing that I do when I am working casually is update, but there are times that I need to know that my computer is working like I expect it to. I don’t like this at all.
Debian 12 also does this. 😂
Really? Do you know how to make it do this for a server install?
Don’t know. I remember seeing it happen on my laptop, but I don’t recall the context. It’s possible that I’m hallucinating and it was the previous Ubuntu install. But I think it was Debian 12.
One of reasons why I love Ubuntu is because it updates live and rarely even asks for my password. I’d use any other distro, but they all want stupid password for ANY update and some demand you restart the system. So stupid.
I’ve not yet had such screen on any system. Is this LTS or regular?
You don’t need to do this. Doing apt update && apt upgrade will still update normally
Not sure how far it goes I just did a reinstall a couple of days ago for 24.10.