It’s a pointed jab at asking if people have tried games I enjoy while being a little condescending of a genre
So you came into a thread talking about the classification of a genre with admittedly the sole purpose of making condescending jabs at people who enjoy said genre, (and notibly not contributing meaningfully to the actual discussion at hand) but you did NOT tell people to stop having fun.
You were just telling them they were having fun wrong.
Some of that may come from the fact that you came to a post about “How should we classify X” to complain about how you don’t like X, which isn’t relevant to the classification and no one cares.
So you came into a thread talking about the classification of a genre with admittedly the sole purpose of making condescending jabs at people who enjoy said genre, (and notibly not contributing meaningfully to the actual discussion at hand) but you did NOT tell people to stop having fun.
You were just telling them they were having fun wrong.
Glad we cleared that up.
No. Pretty much exactly not that and I see you also suffer the issue.
None of that is correct. And directly against what I just said.
And I contributed a name.
Then you have expressed yourself poorly.
Some of that may come from the fact that you came to a post about “How should we classify X” to complain about how you don’t like X, which isn’t relevant to the classification and no one cares.