Been out of the piracy scene for a bit, maybe about 6 months to a year, as I basically have been good with the streaming services I already sign up for. But this past week I’ve rebuilt my setup (my mini server died), and tested it by trying to torrent something yesterday just to make sure I still can, and I noticed Torrent Galaxy was down. Then I saw some articles that it’s been down a lot lately. Does anyone know what’s going on? Or was it fine and it was just something on my side, like a DNS issue?

I hope it’s fine because that was the best public tracker I knew. For example, the show I was looking for to test my setup with couldn’t be found on 1337x (TPB ended up coming through but I don’t trust that site as much as I used to). Are they really cracking down on public tracker indexes right now? Have any good alternatives popped up yet? Is there anything we as a community can do to get around or resist these efforts?

I’m not even a diehard pirate, I like the efficiency and user friendliness of paid services or products, I just like it to be an option when I want to punish companies for customer unfriendliness (ex: I stopped paying for Netflix when they prevented sharing outside of household), and without public trackers the hobby feels too niche and exclusive.

    3 days ago

    can they be added to the search function in qbittorrent?

    Nearly all can. All the one’s you’d want anyways work with Jackett. They don’t work via direct plugins but just run Jackett, follow its instructions and connect it to qBittorrent and you’re good to go searching just the same as before. Some annoying ones occasionally require setting up another software like Flaresolver but for the most part the big easy to get into ones that open their doors annually work without that.

    While there will likely be some openings throughout the year the fact is most trackers open in the period from Thanksgiving/late November through early January. TL opens then basically every year, a number of more exclusive trackers do open signups then, some for only 24 hours so get an RSS feed of that and remember to sign up IMMEDIATELY as soon as you see a post as the post on reddit may have been made 22 hours into a 24 hour open window, you just don’t know. TL though at least tends to stay open for several days. So if you have no luck before then, wait until that time of the year and then check daily or even twice daily if you can, once before bed, once earlier when you get up or lunch or after work, whatever.