Have been enjoying time with this approachable 4x. Dlc was released earlier this month, so devs still supporting.

With civ 7 being $70 for an unfinished product (per usual) figured scratch the itch someone else.

No expert or anything, but have found the order system to be particulary interesting from other 4x have played. It ties movement and actions of all empire units to one resource which is gained from many different areas.

Anyone here played it? If so thoughts?

  • KombatWombat@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    My friends and I really like Civ 5, but we didn’t get into 6 much and had some reservations about the changes in 7. I think we’ll get it at some point, but it will probably be during a sale after some more polish (and maybe some mods to adjust some of the controversial changes).

    But I’ve had the itch from the hype and I’ve been wanting to try some other turn-based 4X games. Old World is 75% off on Steam at the moment so I pulled the trigger yesterday. I’ve seen gameplay but I’m eager to try it myself. The narrative choices seem like they add a lot of meaningful decision-making that I want to explore. I also played some Age of Wonders 4 and have enjoyed that too, but there’s a lot to learn with all the combat mechanics. It means there’s a lot of replayability though.