Hi everyone!
I want this to be my first post here over Lemmy.
Recently, I moved my domains from GoDaddy to OVH due to GD’s policy changes that removes the ability of using its API for updating the IP of subdomains if you don’t pay more or you don’t have more than X domains with them.
When I looked up for methods or APIs to update the IP of my subdomains on OVH, I realised that all the methods that I found uses the the “DynHost” option from OVH, so you need to create another subdomain with credentials, that were the one you will update with your IP, and then associate that with your real A subdomain.
I’m more an API guy, so I made a quick research and found that OVH has also API endpoints that allows to update the IP of the subdomain(s) you want, as I was doing with GoDaddy and other providers.
So I made a real simple IP updater for OVH that uses this method! Feel free to comment, use or share, this is my real first opensource and selfhosted project and I want to learn :)
Hi there! sorry for the delay. been through some personal stuff. i’ve just dropped an update for ipv6 support and I now working in order to have support for multiple domains. this change would allow to update ipv4 and ipv6 at the same time. thanks for your help!
Cool. It’s actually still on my long to do list to try this. Thanks for the update!