I’ve been using different software during the years to keep track of my pictures. None of them - other than Facebook - allowed to tag faces in pictures manually when the AI failed to do so. That was always very frustrating because some of the most important pictures I wanted to have there were not tagged and there was no way of manually doing it.
This is until today where this feature finally landed, I’m so excited, this will make the app much more useful. Now we could even pretend our cat Leo is a person and just tag his face manually ;)
If you already use Nextcloud, try the Memorie-Extension. It has all the features of Immich. The tagging-feature for faces has been there for at least the year I am using it now.
But immich does so much more than faces. I searched for “tent on the beach” the other day, worked like a charm.
Memories also uses automatic tagging, so searching for tent and beach would probably get you the same result. But I guess they are not using the best recognition software, I get a few missinterpretations here and there. (My marzipan potatoe with googly eyes is not an ‘Instrument’. But I guess it’s a challange for any software)