Lightroom mobile and web are not at the level of Lightroom Classic. It’s highly subjective but I enjoy the web version for quickly editing a few pictures, but for the management of my library which contains more than 20k pictures, no app is as good as Lightroom Classic. I tried a few ones and always went back…
want to show off? i3wm with gaps and rofi for menu launcher. Add it some transparency effects too.
want the MacOS style? Gnome. Default on a lot of distros.
want something stable? XFCE. Install and forget.
Things preventing me from moving to Linux : video games and Adobe Lightroom.
Most video games work through proton on Steam. Lightroom has a web app you can use instead.
Lightroom mobile and web are not at the level of Lightroom Classic. It’s highly subjective but I enjoy the web version for quickly editing a few pictures, but for the management of my library which contains more than 20k pictures, no app is as good as Lightroom Classic. I tried a few ones and always went back…