This is the way. My brother printer is a hl2040, came out sometime in the early 2000s. It still prints. I’ve replaced the toner cartridge once since my Dad gave it to me back in 2016.
The other day I needed to print something out and this was after I had reinstalled linux.
Just fired right up, instantly recognized. Its one of the best pieces of hardware I own.
brother laser printer
Are “brother” the nice guys at the moment?
relatively speaking
This is the way. My brother printer is a hl2040, came out sometime in the early 2000s. It still prints. I’ve replaced the toner cartridge once since my Dad gave it to me back in 2016.
The other day I needed to print something out and this was after I had reinstalled linux.
Just fired right up, instantly recognized. Its one of the best pieces of hardware I own.