There are some differences between distros as to whether TRIM is enabled by default or not (I’ve read Ubuntu enables it by default, but Debian does not). That said, depending on what file-system your ssd is formatted with it may be enabled by default at that level. The most-often recommended file-systems for SSDs are Btrfs and F2FS, both of which support and enable TRIM by default (as of Linux 6.2 for Btrfs, so if you are running an older kernel version you might need to manually enable it). I think most distro installers support using Btrfs as the main file-system, but F2FS is a bit more hit and miss I think. Safest bet would be to investigate once you settle on a distro, but support should be pretty standard, even if it’s not enabled by default.
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This is a bit of misinformation. There is no evidence other filesystems have any downsides on an SSD. Use the default choice of your distribution. Roughly nobody uses F2FS on desktops. EXT4 is entirely reasonable and supports TRIM.
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If I may, what’s trim?
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Trim support is standard. Any kernel released in the past 15 years or so will have trim support built in. So that’s not something you should worry about.
How trimming is triggered is another matter, and is distro dependent. On Arch and Debian at least there is a weekly systemd timer that runs the
command on all trimmable filesystems. You can check it if’s enabled with:systemctl list-unit-files fstrim.timer
. I can’t tell how other distributions handle that. On Debian derived ones, I imagine it’s similar, on something like Slackware, which is systemd-less and more hands-off in its approach, you may have to schedulefstrim
yourself, or run it manually occasionally.There is also the
mount option that you can add in/etc/fstab
, which enables automatic synchronous trimming every time blocks are deleted, but its use is discouraged because it carries a performance penalty.Hope that answers your question.
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Can’t answer your question since it’s not something I ever thought about but I recently, within the last 2 weeks, started the same thing. I tried Mint and EndeavorOS so far and honestly I probably won’t leave EndeavorOS again. I installed it first. Confused the fuck out of myself because years ago I use Ubuntu so I had that like hard coded in me and couldn’t get my head around arch. After playing with Mint for a week or so I’m back on EndeavorOS and I love it. I really really want to switch my main PC over but I have a Plex server and audio book shelf server running there as well as atleast 1 game that playing on Linux just isn’t possible since Bungie will ban you for running destiny 2 on Linux.
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