I literally just need to access a link to reset my discord password but for whatever reason discords reset link always does this to me on mobile and I’m nowhere near my desktop.

Any way to bypass this on android? I’ve tried chrome and Firefox both

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    1 day ago

    Two possible reasons here:

    1. Discord is blocking Nord from password reset links on a network level (probably because VPN servers are second only to Tor when it comes to malicious traffic). Frankly, I would’ve expected a CAPTCHA page instead, but it’s technically possible for an error to show up that way. You can try bypassing it by manually editing the address to make sure it starts with https.

    2. Your VPN is actively trying to sslstrip you. Aside from the whole “that’s literally a crime people go to prison for” thing, that means you cannot ever trust that VPN again. Just because Discord bothered to secure their website doesn’t mean other apps do. You may already have been hacked if that is the case.

    I’d be extremely cautious with VPN software because you’re essentially trusting them to be your ISP. If they’re doing permanent 40% off deals or (god forbid) sponsoring YouTubers, you should never trust them. It’s both funny and depressing how companies like PIA and Nord somehow convinced everyone that VPNs make your internet more secure while also not getting people to think for even a second about how much they trust these shady ass Caiman Island tax dodge scheme companies.