What’s that supposed to mean ? You think we’re not pissed off at the Tangerine Palpatine and Poundshop Goebbels in Europe ? Or do you think Europeans don’t protest ?
If it’s the latter I suggest a little googling try “French protest gilet jaunes” for a starter. Or you could just google the protest Tesla has already been experiencing for the last month
Are you reading it wrong and assuming they mean only 500 people? Because I’m pretty sure they mean 500 different protest locations.
But since you think that’s so pathetic, how about you show us a protest that had more than 500 demonstrations on the same day.
Yes I read it wrong
What’s that supposed to mean ? You think we’re not pissed off at the Tangerine Palpatine and Poundshop Goebbels in Europe ? Or do you think Europeans don’t protest ?
If it’s the latter I suggest a little googling try “French protest gilet jaunes” for a starter. Or you could just google the protest Tesla has already been experiencing for the last month