• gigglybastard@lemmy.world
    14 hours ago

    yeah small companies are scared of it so they all use that cookie notice. i am from slovenia and i reported a few of those websites that literally steal your personal info off a linkedin and sell it in a “business yellow pages” or something. i got so many scam or spam phonecalls selling me all sort of stupid services, practically daily for a while. i reported it to our GDRP inspector or whatever they’re called, some sort of representative to EU’s inspector and they said there is nothing they can do.

    i didn’t do quite the full procedure. you’re supposed to send the company a snail mail notice first and then after a month if they don’t comply you’re supposed to fill out some official forms. I just emailed them and complained that i can’t even find their registered addresses.

    perhaps if i’d done the whole procedure, they could’ve purse it further but i doubt it since those are companies registered in all sorts of tax havens, like panama or curacao. how is slovenian authority or EU one going to purse some fake company from panama?

    and then you have big conglomerates like facebook or twitter who literally rather pay a few million fine and sell data to advertisers than comply and make zero with it or even lose money with compliance.