I'm tired of pretending tech makes things better.
I'm tired of kidding myself that all these apps, these chatbots, these "tools" are doing anything but dragging us into the mud and the shit and calling it progress.
I sat down at a cafe a few days ago, hungry and ready
I work in a coffee shop; I already feel sufficiently dehumanized by the amount of people who answer my “how are you today?” with “cappuccino to-go”. I would hate to work in a café where you order via your phone.
Honestly? Cool that you are asking, but I just want a coffee, not a conversation.
Yes, I’m German, how could you tell?
I feel the same. Find it annoying when in the US the waitress introduces herself, asks where I’m form, etc. Do you work for a diner or the CIA? Just bring me a steak with fries, medium rare, please and thank you.
You can just answer “fine” and I’ll be satisfied though, it’s really easy to sus out who wants to chat up their barista and who just wants to go in, order, get out. I’m not seeking to force anyone into a conversation they don’t want, I just want a faint acknowledgment of my humanity, you know?
Not everyone wants to socially interact. That’s something to respect.
I tend to prioritize not-human services, as social interaction exhaust me.
When I used to work with customers I really didn’t like when people starting talking about unnecessary staff. The less I had to interact the better for me.
I get that and totally respect it, and I never pursue further conversation unless I get a chatty vibe from the customer.
However it’s insanely rude to ignore me to my face after I’ve just asked you a question. If someone answers “Fine. Cappuccino to-go.” that’s really all I’m asking for. I’m not simply an interface through which you get coffee, I’m a human person, and I think customer service staff deserve to be treated as such.