Estonia is phasing out stationary speed cameras, shifting to patrol cars fitted with artificial intelligence (AI) speed measuring, average speed cameras and automated enforcement.
The original article and headline don’t mention AI, only the the headline of the English translation does. Shame to see them trying to clickbait international audiences. It’s our national broadcast, they don’t even make money off clicks. They usually have fairly good reporting too.
I’m guessing the editor Andrew Whyte had something to do with this. He wasn’t credited in the original article.
Also if they’re using AI for anything in the proposed system, it’s probably to detect which photos have drivers staring at phones. Simple image categorization. Not AI but a machine learning algorithm at least.
Why the hell do you need AI for speed measurement?
The original article and headline don’t mention AI, only the the headline of the English translation does. Shame to see them trying to clickbait international audiences. It’s our national broadcast, they don’t even make money off clicks. They usually have fairly good reporting too.
I’m guessing the editor Andrew Whyte had something to do with this. He wasn’t credited in the original article.
Also if they’re using AI for anything in the proposed system, it’s probably to detect which photos have drivers staring at phones. Simple image categorization. Not AI but a machine learning algorithm at least.
I’m guessing they’re using AI to identify and remember vehicles, read license plates, etc. surely they’re not using it for subtraction and division.