Per one tech forum this week: “Google has quietly installed an app on all Android devices called ‘Android System SafetyCore’. It claims to be a ‘security’ application, but whilst running in the background, it collects call logs, contacts, location, your microphone, and much more making this application ‘spyware’ and a HUGE privacy concern. It is strongly advised to uninstall this program if you can. To do this, navigate to 'Settings’ > 'Apps’, then delete the application.”
Per one tech forum this week
Stop spreading misinformation.
Gimme Linux phone, I’m ready for it.
Thanks. Just uninstalled. What a cunts
Do we have any proof of it doing anything bad?
Taking Google’s description of what it is it seems like a good thing. Of course we should absolutely assume Google is lying and it actually does something nefarious, but we should get some proof before picking up the pitchforks.
Google is always 100% lying.
There are too many instances to list and I’m not spending 5 hours collecting examples for you.
They removed don’t be evil long time ago
There’s this, and another weather app. Uninstall both asap
…this link is about Safety core. Which weather app?
There’s another one mentioned in the comments
…but Safetycore is the main point, and you linked about that again. How about you just…say the fucking name. Now. Here.
Should I do a little dance for you as well? Do you want some hot tea maybe?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
No. Just TYPE THE NAME OF THE APP. Why is this so difficult? You know how you just used letters to form those sentences? This time arrange those letters into the name instead of not the name.
Easy there keyboard warrior. You’d pee your pants if ever anyone looked in your direction in real life, so I wouldn’t be acting tough on the internet 🤣🤣🤣