Once I order tampons on Amazon. They just put a shipping label directly on a single box.
I’m not embarrassed by stuff like that, but how weird.
Fuck Amazon but it would be nice if we had an FDA to get rid of this crank magnet health product that WIRED is promoting.
Wait, vag magnets are pseudoscience?! My partner has an entire data center’s worth of HDD magnets up hers to ward the evil crotch spirits away!
wait…is pillowpants real?!
Christ, I wish Americans would get over their embarrassment that half their population has a vagina.
Embarrassment? To me it looks like they want control.
But Amazon has no problems with the sale of adult toys? Hypocrites!
The funny part is that there’s very little reason to actually buy a barrel of lube. In porn, they just mix their own lube using distilled water (available cheaply from virtually any grocery or hardware store) and a dissolvable powder. There’s not a good reason to ship wet lube in bulk, because freight shipping is calculated by weight and you’re essentially just paying to ship water. The added benefit is that the porn makers can mix the lube to be a thinner or thicker consistency, depending on their specific needs.
For the curious, look up J-lube, X-lube, K-lube, or Fist Lubricant Powder. And yes, all of the above are available for purchase on Amazon.
And to drive the point home that you’re just paying for freight shipping… J-lube powder is currently $26.77 for 10oz, which makes 10 liters of lube when mixed per the manufacturer’s recommended dosage. So $26.77 for 10 liters, plus probably $3 for the distilled water you need to mix it with. Let’s round up to an even $30 in total. The barrel is currently $1775.32 for 7080fl.oz, or ~209.4 liters. So the barrel is ~$8.47 per liter, while the dry powder mix is ~$3.00 per liter. The barrel is almost 3x as much per liter as the dry powder.
Gotta respect that math, but value might still be possible.
55 gallons of water weighs about 459lbs (208kg), so that barrel is in that range.
Get 10 friends to chip in and order the barrel. Use those 10 friends to lift and leave that barrel somewhere that is highly visible, like the front porch of an ex-wife or ex-husband. Maybe your local police station if you are from a small town?
If that is worth $1,700 to someone, I can’t really say. I have paid more (per pound) for less significant practical jokes before though.
(It would be cheaper to use another barrel, actual water, and just fake the package label though. Real lube would just be for show but it would show that you have great attention to detail.)
You should probably lube the outside after placing it in it’s position as well.
Looking up Vuva, they sell neodymium magnet embedded dildos. I can’t speak to the medical efficacy, I’m just saying what they look like.
Somehow Amazon doesn’t like that but is OK with actual dildos?
Magnets are snake oil. They have no effect on the human body. Don’t waste your money.
I disagree. The human body is mostly water. Water is slightly diamagnetic. Therefore, a sufficiently strong magnet is capable of levitating a human body off the ground.
Magnets can definitely have an effect, just not at puny neodymium magnet levels!
I have a strong but as of yet untested theory that no human will ever levitate based on magnitized internal human water.
A magnet sufficiently strong enough to levitate a human based on the water in the body is more likely to remove the water from the body instead.
It works on frogs. The force is distributed over the whole body, so it’s no worse than gravity is on our bodies.