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crying in decentralization efforts
The Discord-based “support” makes it a “meh.” The main devs alt-right BS makes it a “hard pass.”
Is there any source for this?
i know there was a thing at the beginning of the project where they wrote a lot of the documentation with masculine pronouns (assuming the reader was male), and when they were asked to change that for gender neutral pronouns, they said no because “they don’t want politics in their project”
beyond that however, idk if they eventually changed that or if they did other bad stuff
edit: here is a source
Lemmy was created by a tankie, many of whose opinions I abhor.
As long as it’s FOSS and doesn’t inherently promote their beliefs, I will use the software.
I agree it’s not great and I’d prefer if it weren’t made by imbeciles
Tankies are annoying, but they’re not on the same level as fascists.
Both facists and tankies have genocided disabled people and selectively killed anarchists.
As a disabled anarchist, they end up seeming pretty similar to me.
TBH, it is very difficult to me differentiating between the different flavors of authoritarians.
Maybe someone can make an easy to understand comparison matrix? You know, “Kills people because they have a different opinion.”, “Suppresses minorities.”, etc.
There’s basically ideologues versus hateful people versus indifferent sociopaths (overlap is common)
I consider political ideologues and “technocrats” and extremely pedantic rule-following bureaucrats to be different flavors of ideologues (has a specific worldview they try to enforce / uphold)
Fascism, just like Communism or even a Dictatorship are not inherently bad. Granted they do disenfranchise the people but again … people have chose to be ruled by a strong leader before, happily.
We as humans key in on the oppressive authoritarianism of them as the evil in the system.
That’s why I’d recommend you lump them all together as “oppressive authoritarianism” until one of them proves us otherwise, and not to need to find the nuances between them to prove they’re bad. Cuz as it stands they’re basically all bad in the ways humans have done them of late.
Fascism, just like Communism or even a Dictatorships are not inherently bad.
Absolutely incorrect. Without getting into anything about the viability of a “good” dictatorship, that’s a different discussion… Fascism is absolutely inherently bad. The entire ideology is based on: lies, hatred, discrimination, oppression, censorship, unjust hierarchies, desire and ability to eliminate large swathes of their own population based on some inconsequential aspect of who they fundamentally are, etc.
It’s folly (at best… dangerous at worst) to equate fascism with far-left ideologies, or even include them in the same league when it comes to evilness. Not a single aspect of socialism as it exists in theory, so to speak, is objectively bad/evil. What happens is evil people use it as a vehicle to seize power. On the contrary, fascism is evil to the core. There is not a single redeeming factor to it.
While you might not agree with the methods of the “far left” (I certainly don’t w.r.t. tankies), the ideology of socialism is based on: worker’s rights, egalitarianism, equity, social safety nets, mutual aid, etc.
Nothing about it “in theory” is anything remotely close to evil. Now compare that with fascism…
Fascism, just like Communism or even a Dictatorships are not inherently bad
No offense but what the fuck are you even saying
Fascism is absolutely inherently bad, there is no removal of its evil, oppressive, and authoritarian traits after which anything is left.
In their defense, if everyone was perfect everything would be perfect.
But you’re absolutely right. As long as humans are human there’s no way to separate human nature from authority. And as a result, any system that doesn’t strictly limit scope and authority is inherently bad.
Hell, even worse, crying in the lost information. Discord is a black hole where community knowledge goes to die.
It’s the worst.
I hate it so much, even when I NEED to go there for help and support, I know I’m likely the tenth person to ask the same question. I honestly don’t know why so many people love this way of support, just document it!
Also you need an account to even view it. And I’ve heard they’re really trigger-happy about banning the accounts or holding them hostage until you provide a phone number…
I’ve found that if it’s set up right, it works well for announcements and short discussions around that. But as far as support, it’s absolute trash. It’s nice for slightly quicker communication on updates than than updating a website, and I’ll see all the backlash from users saying “this update broke everything you idiots”, so I know to wait.
The main issue I have right now: the jurisdiction of this is in the US, and to be honest, I don’t trust the US that much when it comes to privacy laws regarding the (near) future.
I donate to Ladybird and Servo, and I hope they succeed. We need serious competition and a check on Mozilla (not to mention Chrome and Safari).
That said, I’m sad that neither Ladybird or Servo are licensed under strong copyleft licenses. We need user-oriented browsers now more than ever, and strong copyleft enables that. I worry that, even if these engines are successful, they will be co-opted by proprietary browsers and eventually superseded by them.
This happened before - both Chrome and Safari ultimately derive from KHTML, Konqueror’s browser engine. If KHTML had been licnesed under the GPL instead of the LGPL, Chrome and Safari (and not just their engines) may have been free software today. Or, at the very least, it would have been much more difficult for Apple and Google to get started.
That said, I wish Ladybird the best. Their donation = no influence policy is excellent, and I really, really hope they can stick to it in the long term.
To go along with the alt right stuff, one of their major donors is Shopify.
So what?
Shopify willingly hosted and sold Kanye’s swastika shirt.
Why is this relevant to this sponsorship and the development of the browser? I wouldn’t mind Kanye donating himself if that ensures that we get a great browser. Who cares where the money comes from?
Wow. So if Nazis contributed to a project you like that’d be ok cause that’s what I’m reading from your reply…
Yes. Support is unidirectional not bidirectional.
Holy shit… Dude you need to reevaluate your world view.
Nazis go to cinemas and pay tickets, supporting the cinema’s business. But that doesn’t mean the cinema endorces nazism. Your logic is simply flawed.
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Looks like a confused Swedish dude that when questioned about his use of English pronouns defaults to not wanting to get political. Is there more besides a misguided decision to avoid relevant political topics?
I think we should chastise people that insist on not getting political, but not necessarily boycott everything they do. Or at least we should apply the same moral demands to Mozilla, Apple, Microsoft or Google when choosing which browsers to support. Which of them is the least bad?
There is nothing political about acknowledging peoples’ existence.
Existence? Because somebody used a wrong pronoun?
They refused to use the right pronoun. One is a mistake. The other is a choice.
They refused to accept a PR from a random person with just one single word change for a string that only the developer himself is seeing.
I think the developer has all the rights not to accept such a PR which adds nothing to the program. And I think people that really care about gender inclusivity should stop focusing on this useless nitpicks, which makes inclusivity appear like made up by a bunch of trolls.
It’s pretty telling to focus on the dev’s right to reject inclusivity while simultaneously rejecting and deriding everyone else’s right to judge them for that.
And if it was such a useless change, why didn’t the dev reject it for that instead of saying it was “political”? He’s the one that declared the word itself, not the utility of the change, was the problem. Calling everyone else “trolls” for pointing that out is just disingenuous.
You’re right, words are meaningless and language has no bearing on society at large. after all, fuiebt eidiowb rhe efifo quifopim.
The hyperbole here is insane. My trans friend’s Japanese parents are supportive of him, but they have some trouble with pronouns. If you’re not a native English speaker and learned the standard pronouns, then I think it’s just naturally too confusing. Pretty much all of them are translating in their minds in real-time.
Language is extremely powerful. This is all part of the erasure (an integral part btw).
Hmm I don’t think you really understand what happened.
The developer wrote a comment (not visible to the end user) using the male form.
A random person opened a pull request without any useful changes, except for changing that comment from “he” to “their”.
The developer rejected that PR because it’s politically motivated and it doesn’t add anything else.
Right, except that’s not politically motivated, and is a useful change for people reading the code, both for women and non-binary people.
Calling pronouns “political” is the dogwhistle they always use
ugh transphobia rots people’s brains
it’s not too hard to just be a decent person ppl
I can’t see anything about this on DuckDuckGo. Do you have a link?
This was a little „write-up“ back when everything became more public.
I’m surprised this got any kind of attention.
Here’s the turn of events from my perspective:
- Someone submits a 1-line PR changing the gender used in a code comment
- PR rejected on the grounds that the change is “politically motivated”
- Submitter got mad, and proposed removing the rule against “politically motivated” changes, calling it “white supremacist,” which is closed
- Someone wrote a blog post about it
Here’s my analysis:
- Stupid change - don’t make PRs that simply correct an irrelevant typo in a comment somewhere; some people do this to put stuff on a resume (look at how much FOSS work I do!), and it just wastes everyone’s time
- Stupid response - it should’ve been rejected because it’s a useless change, not because it’s “politically motivated”
- Stupid proposal - do you really want to waste a bunch of time fighting over wording in a comment? Because that’s the kind of crap you get without a rule like this.
- This is all about an irrelevant change to a comment? Why is this getting so much attention?
“comments must be accurate,” is not a rule you should bend. Bending it even a little leads to last programming and shit code.
True, but that only applies if it’s misleading. For example:
// pythagoran theorem distance = abs(p2.x - p1.x) + abs(p2.y - p1.y);
Fixing that makes sense because it’s wrong and misleading (it’s actually Manhattan distance), and a quick glace is insufficient to tell the difference.
But fixing a typo or something that wouldn’t be confusing is just noise and should only be fixed with other changes. For example, I intentionally misspelled Pythagorean in my comment above, fixing that to be the right spelling would be a useless change, even if the distance formula used the hypotenuse. It wouldn’t be an unreasonable policy to reject PRs that only fix spelling or similar to reduce noise for the maintainers.
Yep, I understand but disagree. Maybe it comes from working with so many ESL coders, but I’ll happily accept typo corrections because it’s not always obvious what words should be if you’re not steeped in the culture.
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Someone else posted a writeup about it.
It wasn’t in documentation, but a code comment. No user would see this.
One part was a rejected change on the README, which was trying to remove this “white supremacist language”:
## On ideologically motivated changes
This is a purely technical project. As such, it is not an appropriate arena to advertise your personal politics or religious beliefs. Any changes that appear ideologically motivated will be rejected.
Someone changing “he” to “they” (original PR that started all this) in a comment as their only change could absolutely be seen as “politically motivated.” My understanding is that if changing the comment was part of some larger useful change, it would be fine (as would using “she” or “they” in a new comment), but just changing the gender of a pronoun in a comment is a useless change.
If the comment said “she,” would someone have been motivated to make this change? Probably not. Should changing this from “she” to some other pronoun (he or they) also be rejected? Yes, on the same grounds as changing it from “he,” it’s not a useful change and just wastes everyone’s time. If you’re in the code already, then go ahead, correct silly language like this if you care to.
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They are political, because people (I’m not one of them) think they shouldn’t be allowed and there are only two genders (e.g. the current president of the US).