Nokia still exists?
Yeah, Eriksson too. Both pretty much abandoned their consumer phone business. They have pivoted to afaik mostly telecommunications infrastructure. But both companies do a bunch of other stuff.
Nokia and Eriksson were really happy when Huawei started being kicked out of 5G infrastructure.
That’s not a bad bet. Clearly telecommunications infrastructure is not going away and even radio towers are never going away until physics finds an alternative.
I do kinda miss Nokia’s creativity tho
Oh thank god. Was getting sick of only having hella overpriced and slow satellite internet there.
We believe delivering Nokia’s 4G/LTE system to the lunar surface is a transformative moment in the commercialization of space and the maturity of the lunar economy.
… I fucking hate capitalism.
Meshtastic on the moon… Moontastic!
We believe delivering Nokia’s 4G/LTE system to the lunar surface is a transformative moment in the commercialization of space
Absolutely love the lack of regulation for space. Going to love seeing the Google tm Moon in 50 years.
Well, no regulation means we can be space pirates and fuuuuck Google up.
No faith for 5G?
I know it kind of sounds silly, but this is some of the very first infrastructure on The Moon, and that’s pretty cool.
The Moon will likely be our main port for travel within our solar system - if we made a lunar space elevator we would use it as our launch point without having to expend so much fuel launching from Earth like we do with traditional rockets.
The moon rotates too slowly (about once every 30 days), you don’t want a space elevator for the moon, the tether would have to be ridiculously long.
But there’s no atmosphere, so you have another good option: a linear accelerator, or mass driver. Basically you make a very long, very straight rail and use electromagnetism to accelerate a craft right up to orbital velocity. The only complicated part is constructing 50 km of rail, but I mean, it’s more time consuming than complicated. This is actually way more feasible than a space elevator.
You still need to fire an engine on the far side of your orbit though which makes it more difficult as it still needs to be able to propel itself (while surviving the acceleration)
Well surviving the acceleration is trivial. I figured a 50km track in the post up above, in 50km you can accelerate up to lunar orbit velocities at just 1g of constant acceleration. So if your probe can survive sitting still on earth, it can survive accelerating at that speed.
You’re right though, you do need a small amount of thrust when you reach the top of your arc, but really not much. 50 m/s of DeltaV would do just fine. In other words, opening a can of compressed air would basically do it.
Or alternatively, you could use a mechanical system; you could have the vehicle (basically a rail cart) separate from the cargo with a powerful spring, pushing the cargo up, and the cart down. That mechanical system is also more effective the higher the apogee is, so if you launched the vehicle into a higher, more elliptical lunar orbit, that small push at the top pulls your low end of the orbit up much higher.
Ah, I was thinking more of a spinlaunch thing. Yours would make more sense, but would require a fuckton of industry in space or on the moon to have it work. I wonder how much more effective a self contained spinlaunch style thing would be on the moon.