“This is a completely different approach to what people have done before. The writing’s on the wall that this is going to transform things, it’s going to be the new way of doing forecasting,” Turner said. He said the model would eventually be able to produce accurate eight-day forecasts, compared with five-day forecast at present, as well as hyper-localised predictions.
Dr Scott Hosking, the director of science and innovation for environment and sustainability at the Alan Turing Institute, said the breakthrough could “democratise forecasting” by making powerful technologies available to developing nations around the world, as well as assisting policymakers, emergency planners and industries that rely on accurate weather forecasts.
I am skeptical to say the least.
If you are legitimately interested/believe in scientific rigor, then here is the research paper published in Nature Scientific Journal by the University of Cambridge: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-025-08897-0
Not convinced yet, but we will see